FIRST CALL Global Meeting for Climate and Life ANTICOP 2024 Oaxaca, México, Abya Yala


It has been a little over two months since we published the Call for the Global Encuentro for Climate and Life, now better known as ANTICOP 2024. We want to share that we have received hundreds of emails and registrations from people from different regions of Mexico and the World. We are deeply grateful for the interest in this initiative,  organized from the roots and historical experiences of communities, movements and indigenous, peasant and popular organizations, with the support of solidarity groups with whom we have been organizing activities and actions together for years. We would like to ask all those we have not responded to yet not to be anxious. We are walking slowly because we are walking far—without haste, but without pause. And so, we continue…

The Encuentro is an anti-capitalist, anti-racist, anti-patriarchal, anti-colonial and anti-imperialist initiative, so it is of vital importance to promote meetings between organizations from all corners of the world that fight for life and provide a seed of resistance and struggle. Due to the large number of registrations, the diversity of issues that each process represents and the logistical challenges that this meeting entails, we are working to have the greatest space for the inclusion of all voices. We prioritize those delegations that come from distant corners of the Global South, since their transportation represents a considerable effort both for their people and for our coordination and organization team. Therefore, we believe it is important to communicate and share the following information, in order to be as clear as possible about the subsequent steps:

The overall objective of the meeting is to build networks between global climate movements and grassroots territorial processes through the:

    • Knowledge exchange for mutual learning and adaptation of successful tactics and strategies to different contexts.

    • Strengthening of solid support networks for times of crisis and external pressure.

    • Coordination and combination of efforts that give local actions a global impact and vice versa, ensuring a more cohesive and powerful response to common challenges.

The need to continue weaving and strengthening networks between the climate movement and international solidarity with grassroots territorial processes comes from the historical struggle for the defense of land and territory of indigenous and native peoples who have defended our Mother Nature, biodiversity and ecosystems that for generations have sustained the climatic stability of the planet. We are currently facing a profound civilizational crisis that is worsening with the increase of Megaprojects, Armed Conflicts, Forced Displacements, Militarization, Migration, the Monetization of Life and severe Droughts—which the communities and peoples of the Global South are experiencing firsthand—who are destroying our present and thus threatening the future of humanity.

In order to achieve a deep analysis of the reality that allows us to identify the current challenges, as well as to exchange experiences and strategies in the Defense of the Earth, the Commons, Natural Resources and Territory, we have identified 4 Pillars of Collapse interconnected by various historical and current crises. These are present in different regions of the planet, mainly in the Global South, THE CLIMATE CRISIS representing the one with the greatest impact that contaminates them all:

Megaprojects and Militarization: we will examine the impacts of megaprojects and militarization on the climate crisis, specifically on local communities in the Global South in terms of environment, economy, self-determination and security, in order to share strategies for mitigation and adaptation to these effects. We will make an analysis of the current geopolitical context between the powers of the Global North that reorganizes borders, customs and territories in the midst of economic and military wars in various regions of the planet.

Migration and Forced Displacement due to Armed Conflict, Organized Crime and Climate Change: we will analyze the causes and consequences of migration and forced displacement, looking for integral and humanitarian solutions, analyzing the influence of armed groups and organized crime in the territories, as well as their relationship with the transnational economy. We will share the increasingly present reality of climate displacement of populations near the coasts that are disappearing due to rising sea levels, as well as extreme droughts, destruction of the environment and the construction of mega dams.

3. Monetization and commodification of Life: we will deepen the analysis of international financial mechanisms that encourage extractivism, such as retirement funds, insurance, private bank investments, foreign debt and political impositions of the Global North. We will also address the impacts of false climate solutions, and greenwashing economic instruments that are imposed as debt swaps and so-called carbon credits. We will discuss the reparation of Loss and Damage in the face of the historical climate debt with the Global South, and we will examine the accelerated effects of touristification and gentrification on local communities, addressing how these dynamics transform urban and rural spaces, displacing native communities and exacerbating social and economic inequalities.

4. Global Water Crisis: we will analyze in detail the water crisis from multiple perspectives in different regions of the planet, considering the plundering and grabbing by extractive, tourism and real estate industries, as well as the scarcity, contamination, and sustainable management of water resources. We will see how these problems directly affect indigenous and peasant communities in their territories, putting at risk internal food sustainability, as well as the supply of drinking water and food for large cities and urban areas.

Although we have identified 4 pillars of collapse connected to each other by the various crises, the conversation will not be limited to them.  We seek to share and expand the collective horizon of those common challenges, so in the framework of the Meeting various activities and forums will be held in the city of Oaxaca to discuss key issues with different sectors of the social movement. The activities are organized by sectors of Discussion, Working Groups and Workshops on:

    • Union Struggle: Analysis of how the climate crisis and megaprojects affect labor rights and working conditions, seeking strategies to strengthen the defense of workers’ rights.

    • Participatory Action Research: Presentation of research and studies on the topics of the meeting, generating a space for the exchange of scientific and academic knowledge.

    • Feminisms, anti-patriarchal struggles and gender-based dissidence: Dialogues on the intersection of climate crisis and gender-based violence, creating inclusive and equitable strategies to address these challenges.

    • Human Rights and Civil Society Organizations: Discussion on the protection of human rights in contexts of forced displacement, armed violence and megaprojects, and the formulation of recommendations for public policies.

    • Traditional and Community Health: Discussions on how to integrate traditional health knowledge with modern medicine, exploring ancestral and community healing practices in combination with current scientific advances to promote a holistic approach to wellness in communities.

    • Migration and Forced Displacement: Meetings to share experiences and develop concrete proposals for the assistance and protection of migrants and displaced persons.

    • Decent Housing in the face of Touristification and Gentrification: Analysis of cases of touristification and gentrification, sharing community strategies to resist and organize in the face of these urban transformations.

    • Global Water Crisis: Roundtables on sustainable water management, source water protection and policies needed to ensure equitable access to safe drinking water.

    • Energy: Debate on the approaches of the so-called energy transition, degrowth, energy poverty, proposals for energy autonomy and the demand for recognition of electricity as a human right, analyzing economic and class inequalities.

    • Community Communication: Workshops and forums on the importance of community media, free, independent or whatever they are called, exploring tools and strategies to face current challenges.

    • Agroecology and Food Sovereignty: Discussions on sustainable agricultural practices and the importance of food sovereignty in times of climate crisis. Experiences and knowledge on agroecology will be shared, highlighting the need to promote local and resilient food systems that benefit communities and the environment.

    • Art and Culture: We want to extend the call to people who are dedicated to the various areas of art from a critical perspective to share their work where they reflect the cultural richness of the communities of the Global South and their resistance.


From the Organization and Coordination team, we have decided to give priority to delegations and territorial processes from the Global South. These delegations—which include representatives from Africa, Asia, Abya Yala, and Oceania—come from regions facing the greatest impacts of the climate crisis, megaprojects and systemic violence. Their participation is essential to ensure that the voices most affected and with the most practical knowledge are leading the conversations and solutions during the gathering. We are working hard to apply for visas and manage the resources needed to ensure the relocation of those in need. This is critical to ensure the truly global nature of this event.

Below, we share a series of fundamental points for the safety and proper development of the activities:

Solidarity Space and Logistics

   – The activities will have a main venue in a solidarity space. This space will provide lodging and food for the Global South delegations, as well as for the indigenous, peasant and popular communities and organizations that have been invited and have expressed their interest in attending.

   – It is important to highlight that, for security reasons in agreement and respect with the rules of the solidarity space, the exit of the attendees will not be allowed until the closing of the Encounter. This is done to ensure the safety of all those present and to maintain the integrity of the programmed activities.

Rules of Coexistence

   – During the duration of the Encounter, the consumption of alcohol and drugs will be strictly prohibited in all activity venues. This measure is necessary to ensure a safe and respectful environment for all participants.

   – We will maintain a zero tolerance policy for any act of sexism, discrimination, racism and any other form of violence towards the people present. We want this meeting to be an inclusive and safe space for everyone.

Hosting Options

   – Although we are seeking options for solidarity lodging, we invite those interested in attending the activities to self-host their own lodging during the Encounter. This will help ensure that the facilities can adequately accommodate those most in need.

Activities and Public Participation

   – There will be spaces open to the general public during the days of the Meeting, while work and internal dialogues will take place among the delegations of the Global South. These dialogues are crucial for the delegations to exchange experiences, develop proposals and strategies that they will then take back to their territories.

   – In parallel, these public activities will take place in different venues within Oaxaca City, such as discussion forums, working tables, workshops and political-cultural solidarity events. These events will be attended by delegations from the Global South and are designed to share knowledge and build alliances.

Final Political-Cultural Event

   – The purpose of these parallel works and internal dialogues is to culminate in a large public Political-Cultural event in which the results of all the work and dialogue within the framework of ANTICOP will be shared. This final political-cultural event will be an opportunity to consolidate the proposals and strategies discussed, and to celebrate the solidarity and commitment shared in the struggle for other possible worlds.

We thank everyone for their understanding and collaboration. Together, we can ensure that this Meeting will be a space for learning, solidarity and effective action.

Deadline for registrations is July 8th.

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